Intercultural Communication Workshop – Review

Intercultural communication workshop

Intercultural Communication: Meaningful Exchanges – A review

A review of the English-language workshop by Lejla Husic

Living in today’s modern society means that every day we meet people coming from very different cultures. This has become the reality of most workplaces too, as many companies are involved in international business, and multicultural teams are an everyday occurrence. Being able to communicate effectively is extremely important in my line of business (language teaching/training and managing a team of international English trainers), and that is why I was excited to attend the Intercultural Communication workshop.

The 150 minutes was definitely not enough to learn everything there is to know about the topic of intercultural communication. However, the workshop itself was an amazing introduction to the topic, thanks to the trainer, Dr Yacine Korid.

Not only is he exceptionally trained in the area of cultural communication – having bachelor, master and doctorate degrees in cultural anthropology – he is also a distinctly multicultural person, coming from a highly mixed background: France, Sweden, the UK, Algeria, Canada. Therefore, he is deeply aware of the intricacies that might appear as a result of intercultural communication.


Yacine Korid 

Workshop summary

So, what did we, the participants, learn during these 2 and a half hours?

First, we were introduced to the basic concepts of intercultural communication: culture, communication and individual identity, as well as stereotype and prejudice. That way everyone was brought to the same level of understanding. Then, through a set of interesting tasks and activities, we became aware of various verbal and nonverbal codes that might impact our communication with other cultures. On top of that, we also covered the importance of appropriate communication at the workplace, both domestic and international. The workshop finished with practical tips: the Do’s and Don’ts of Intercultural Communication.

intercultural communication
intercultural communication

Even though we barely scratched the top of the intercultural communication mountain, the workshop was extremely successful in showing all of us how to communicate more directly and efficiently with other individuals. I am looking forward to learning more about this topic in one of the upcoming workshops.

Anfangs war ich mir etwas unsicher, was mich bei diesem Workshop in englischer Sprache erwarten würde. Doch ich fühlte mich sofort gut aufgehoben und schon nach kurzer Zeit löste sich auch die Anspannung und das Englischsprechen fühlte sich fast schon natürlich an. Die Atmosphäre war sehr angenehm und es wurde viel gelacht … Wenn man dann ganz nebenbei auch noch so viel mitnimmt, perfekt! 

Wie und warum die Begriffe Kultur und Kommunikation untrennbar sind, erklärte uns Yacine Korid in eindrucksvoller Weise in seinem Workshop. Kultur bedeutet für jeden von uns etwas anderes – und später stellte sich heraus, dass es für diesen Begriff auch in der Literatur keine richtige oder falsche Erklärung gibt. Hinter Kommunikation steckt sehr viel mehr, als nur Worte – auch das werde ich aus diesem Workshop mitnehmen. Wie man damit am besten mit anderen Kulturen umgeht und Fettnäpfchen vermeidet, weiß ich nun.

Belinda Krottendorfer

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