Intercultural Communication – an Expert Interview

Intercultural communication workshop

Intercultural communication is becoming increasingly important due to the rise of globalisation. Indeed, most work and living environments are now multicultural, resulting in a high frequency of intercultural exchanges in our daily lives. In that sense, for most of us, intercultural communication is no longer an option, it is a necessity. Read our expert interview!


Yacine Korid ist Sprachtrainer und interkultureller Trainer im bildungsraum. Der Sozialanthropologe ist Sohn einer halb.schwedischen, halb-englischen Mutter und eines algerischen Vaters und beschäftigt sich - in verschiedenen Ländern aufgewachsen - seit seiner Kindheit mit dem Thema Interkulturalität.

Wir haben Yacine zum Thema "Interkulturelle Kommunikation" befragt. Das Interview wurde in englischer Sprache geführt.

Yacine, you are teaching the Intercultural Communication workshop at bildungsraum. What led you to this?

As I grew up in a culturally mixed background, I developed an interest for the various ways in which people from different origins interact from a very young age. This childhood curiosity grew into genuine enthusiasm and eventually brought me to England, where I studied Social and Cultural Anthropology. There, I acquired a strong academic foundation on a large range of issues linked to intercultural exchanges. This theoretical basis consolidated my experience of such processes and allowed me to build up a coherent expertise on the matter. Now living in Vienna, I wish to share this knowledge with others in order to facilitate communication between groups and individuals with distinct cultural features.

Why is Intercultural Communication relevant?

Intercultural communication is becoming increasingly important due to the rise of globalisation. Indeed, most work and living environments are now multicultural, resulting in a high frequency of intercultural exchanges in our daily lives. In that sense, for most of us, intercultural communication is no longer an option, it is a necessity.

What is the aim of the workshop?

I wish to introduce some of the basic concepts of intercultural communication and help participants apply such notions in an empirical, concrete manner. The purpose here is to facilitate exchanges between individuals and groups of different linguistic and cultural origin, whether these exchanges be of a professional or a more casual nature.

interkulturelle Trainings in Unternehmen

What is your general approach to teaching?

It is a mix of applicable theory and practical examples. The goal is for people to be able to relate to what they learn. Indeed, I strongly believe that one learns by doing. I therefore also draw from the participants’ own experiences and perspectives to make my workshops as interactive as possible.

How relevant is language to intercultural communication?

Language is an integral part of both culture and communication, but not the only component of either of them. Many corporate or business issues relating to intercultural communication arise in spite of the different protagonists speaking the same language. Furthermore, we don’t only communicate through words. Non-verbal forms of communication such as body language, facial expressions or posture should also be taken into account. In that sense, what one does is just as important as what one says.

Do you have any tips for people trying to improve their intercultural communication skills?

Although this is a complex topic which encompasses a large variety of potential situations, I would recommend always observing and listening to the people one interacts with. For exchanges to be meaningful and positive, they require an open mind and the will to adapt.

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